
“From Frustrated Ex-badass to Earning $2,500 a month working from home a couple of hours a day…BOOM”

I was so frustrated that I had almost given up on being able to do something fulfilling, make money and be a supportive navy wife.

This is a recent photo of us.  (photo taken by another awesome navy wife, BTW)

aboutThis was taken just a few months before our cross country move from Pax River, MD to San Diego, CA.

9th move in 19 years.

Trust me, I think I’ve tried everything.

I attended college (twice) and have great degrees…Chemical Engineering and a MBA from MIT.

That should make me pretty marketable, right?

It is really hard to explain to the HR person that it would be totally worth it for them to hire me for 2 or 3 years (until I move again) because I am that awesome.

They just don’t want the hassle.

Maybe you are still convinced that what you need is another interview, a better resume or a bluer suit.

And just maybe you believe that one day it will all be over and you will be able to get back to that career that you gave up 10 or 20 years ago.

Things have changed.  A lot.

Maybe you enjoy:

…stressing over where the next move is going to take you.

…wondering if you are going to have enough time to get certified or qualified in the new state.

…trying to come up with a good story that explains 9 moves in 19 years.

…asking permission to stay home to take care of your sick kid.

…stressing over who would take care of the kids if a business trip comes up while your spouse is deployed.

I got tired of that pressure really quickly, so I decided to build a great home-based business

I loved the products, I made money but I really hated the high slime factor like:

…talking to the best-dressed people in Target

…losing my customer base for my home-based party business every time I moved.

…hitting up my new friends or neighbors to help me get my business rolling

…hotel meetings week after week after week

…people quitting faster than I can make microwave popcorn

Then I decided to use my MBA and teach.

I love to teach.  I have been teaching and tutoring since I was 12 years old.

I am a third generation teacher.  Grandmother. Father and Mother. Me.

It was totally cool.  Until it was time to move.  Then I started teaching online.  BOOM!

Until  didn’t get scheduled for a class for no apparent reason.

No class.  No money.  Kind of iffy.

And then one day, I found out that I could learn to make money online from home.

By learning how to do it.  Getting results.  And then teaching others how to do it too.

Entirely online.  No extra degrees.  No interviews.  No meeting for coffee.  No hotel meetings.

Sign me up.

And now I use this innocent looking blog and videos to rank in Google for “buyer keywords” that people are out there searching for.

It brings in quality prospects who already want to learn what I’m teaching and buy what I’m selling.

Did I mention that once it is built, it runs almost on autopilot.

New leads, new customers and commissions on autopilot. From all over the world.

And all I need is a laptop and access to the internet.  That is totally badass.

So maybe you’d rather:

…Get your bad-assery back.

…Throw away the interview gear and resume paper

…Learn how to build a blog that can position to earn money while you sleep…without a party, without pitching friends and family, and without joining any network events.

…Build some assets that work 24 hours a day so that you don’t have to.

It’s up to you.

If you are military spouse, chances are you know exactly what I’m talking about:

Been trying to find a better way to be you, contribute to the household financially and have some fun…BOOM

If you already have a home-based business, chances are your company provided replicated site stinks (or is too big and sales-y).

Been want to start something cooler…BOOM

If you already have bricks and mortar business, chances are you have been paying some webmaster too much money.

Been wanting to look for something you can do yourself…BOOM

I got you covered.  You are in the right place.

Wanna know how I’m making it happen.  Enter your email address and I will show you exactly how.

Let’s rock it together,

Niquelle Wright